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Vacancies within the District

Please find details of vacancies in and around the South-East District.  If you would like to advertise a job vacancy or volunteer position within your church, circuit or organisation, please contact the District Office.

 Vacancy : Chair of District 

The Nomination Committee is seeking nominations of the role of Chair of the South East District for an initial period of 6 years from 1st September 2025.
This offers an exciting opportunity for a presbyter who:

  • Is passionate about God
  • Naturally inspires, enables and encourages God's people in discipleship, mission and  ministry
  • Thrives in, and enjoys, opportunities for collaborative leadership in varying forms
  • Has experience and confidence as a change leader
  • Is enthusiastic about Connexionalism

More details about the role and how to make a nomination or express interest is available here.  Closing Date noon 25th October 2024. 



South-East District - District Treasurer (volunteer)


Vacancies within the Connexion

For further jobs in and around the Connexion please visit The Methodist Church website. 


Other Vacancies