Grants for Ministry and Mission

District Grants

Churches and Circuits that are looking to engage in new projects to further mission and ministry in line with the principles of ‘Our Calling’ and the strategy for evangelism and growth set out in ‘God for All’ are encouraged to consider applying for the award of a grant from the District Advance Fund (DAF).  Such projects may be building schemes and / or involve the employment of personnel. 

Grants are also made from the DAF to:

  • individuals to help them to pursue training opportunities for personal development
  • Churches to help fund attendance at 3Generate and
  • Churches wishing to offer a Warm Welcome to people during the winter months.

The criteria for applying for a grant and the basis on which grants are awarded are set out in the relevant District Policy.  These policies may be accessed here

Application forms which may be downloaded here should be completed with reference to the relevant District Policy. 

Applications for Training Grants and 3Generate may be submitted to the District Grants Secretary (initially by email with a hard copy sent by post) at any time but must always be well before the event.

The time when Applications for a Warm Welcome grant will be considered will be announced through the District Website

Applications for any other District Grant from the DAF must be submitted to the District Grants Secretary (initially by email with a hard copy sent by post) at least two weeks before the meeting at which the application is to be considered.  The District Grants Group meets three times a year (in September, February and June) to consider applications for grants to be awarded from the District Advance Fund (DAF). The dates on which the District Grants Group meets are set out in the District Calendar.  Applications received late will usually be deferred to the next meeting.

The dates on which the Group will meet are shown in the District Calendar.

Please contact the District Grants Secretary, Roger Byard, if you require further information about either a prospective project and/or the process for making an application:


Tel: 07415 307305

Joseph Rank Trust

For information about applying to the Joseph Rank Trust for a grant please click the link below to be taken to the website.