Ecumenical Officers

County Ecumenical Officers  
Berkshire –
Kent – vacancy
Surrey – vacancy
Sussex – vacancy

Methodist Ecumenical Officers

Berkshire – vacancy
Kent – Mr Roy Hollands
Surrey - Rev Peter Hills
Sussex - Rev Will Fletcher

The County and Methodist Ecumenical Officers are available to offer advice and guidance on any ecumenical matter.
Contact details can be obtained from the District Office.

To guide planning in setting up a new partnership please click to download here and use this form.

Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs)

Any proposed changes to Local Ecumenical Partnership Constitutions should be sent to the appropriate County and Methodist Officer. The officers should also be consulted, at an early stage, for advice on the procedures to be followed when a new minister needs to be appointed to serve in an LEP.


Kent Workplace Mission 

Please click here to be taken to the Kent Workplace Mission Annual Review 2023.