Welcome to our District Website

The South East District of the Methodist Church covers the counties of Kent, East and West Sussex and parts of Surrey, Berkshire and Hampshire as well as Malta and Gibraltar. We are a group of Christian disciples committed to following Jesus in a Methodist way. That means we want to put our faith in practice through worship, learning and caring, serving others and evangelism working wherever possible in partnership with others.

This website tells you about what the District does to support the work of our 17 Circuits and 206 churches. You can find out about opportunities for learning and development; how to apply for funding and how to get in touch with District Officers. 

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this website so that we can make any changes to make it more accessible or useful. So if you have any comments, please make them by clicking here.


Vacancy : Chair of District 

The Nomination Committee is seeking nominations of the role of Chair of the South East District for an initial period of 6 years from 1st September 2025.
This offers an exciting opportunity for a presbyter who:

  • Is passionate about God
  • Naturally inspires, enables and encourages God's people in discipleship, mission and  ministry
  • Thrives in, and enjoys, opportunities for collaborative leadership in varying forms
  • Has experience and confidence as a change leader
  • Is enthusiastic about Connexionalism

More details about the role and how to make a nomination or express interest is available here.  Closing Date noon 25th October 2024. 

Winter Warm Spaces Grants

The District has set aside funds to award grants to churches wanting to take part in the Winter Warm Spaces initiative.  An application form can be downloaded here